Sabtu, 26 September 2009


This article I wrote in 2004 in order to learn the professional management of forest and land fires and based on experience and observations in our area, only now I share and I hope there are benefits
BACKGROUND West Kutai District East Kalimantan province Indonesia, with an area 3,162,870 hectares, has a wide forest ± 74% of the broad region. Forest fires occur in a wide scale in 1982, 1992 and 1997/1998. Losses caused incalculable value, both in terms of natural wealth as a source of income for forest communities and the Government, ecosystem and other aspects such as health and transportation. Therefore, the prevention of forest fires and the need to get attention which is very serious.

West Kutai District District as a new form, with the 21 Sub District and 221 villages, population and population density is very low, have some serious obstacles in the management of forest fires. Accessibility is very limited and difficult topography that is the main obstacles. In addition, the number of personnel to handle the special forest fires occur when forest fires are not eligible to manage the area in a broad scale.
Due to the constraints mentioned above it is very important partners felt the right to prevent and cope with the dangers of forest fire in the West Kutai regency. Step that is considered to be very maximum strategy cooperation with the Village People who live around the forest. Life and livelihood in general people directly associated with natural resources such as land, farmers innings return, rubber farmers, fishermen, collectors of forest wood and non wood.
The Government, in this case the Control of forest fire with a local institution-related agencies, should take a coordinating role by providing guidance, support and training assistance and equipment that simple. Highly expected that in future the community play an important role in the management of forest fires.

BENEFITS Expected from the control and management of forest fires with the community or a community-based, people understand and get information about the danger of forest fires, for the reason-and loss-damage caused by forest fires themselves. An active role in community decision-making management of natural wealth, the fire in an effective and careful management in the field is a major factor in the management of forest fires. Because the houses in the surrounding forest, the people in the village near the village can act quickly in the danger of forest fires in early in the region. In his role, the village community is a great strength in tackling the danger of forest fires. With the successful management of forest fires, the general form of wealth natural forest and other forest products follow-up can continue to contribute to regional development in particular. Besides forest ecosystem function, affecting the wider community, will be maintained properly.
The community is not directly benefit / benefit in the form of money, but with awaking the natural resources and other assets, then it will be more valuable / valuable than high when people perform the activities related to forest fire management is done only when forest fires occur and must be the result is even also and paid only a small and very shortly.


Successful management of forest fires is very depending on the coordination of several parties that have a role and a different capacity, the kampong people and institutions related. Some important issues that need to come to the attention of:

1. The lack of public awareness for the losing caused by forest fires and the need for the level of socialization / government to the people;
2. At the community level, for forest fires only when the occurrence of forest fire so that the activities of prevention is rarely performed;
3. Need for involvement of the community in full force in the motivation / willingness to the more widely than just for forest fires;
4. At the level of / the Government's understanding that the forest fires only at the time of the occurrence of forest fires. Besides the sectoral thinking, that the management of forest fires is the responsibility Forestry Institutions only, this is a big obstacle.
5. The program CBFiM relative new, especially in Indonesia and the West Kutai regency, but if viewed from the traditions or customs in the local community to manage the land of the soul CBFiM existing since long.
6. All the sections of the community and the profession must disadarkan that forest fires is important for attention is even international issue, and the fire that is not restrained can occur at any time.


In the management of forest fires there is a framework of interconnected and is a system of mutual support that is Prevention, Preparation, Repairs and Rehabilitation. This paper focuses more on prevention activities with the intent not to ignore the activities of other important part of the framework in the management of forest fire is.
The framework is also a reference to a thought in management, but also must not be carried out because everything must also be adjusted back to the local needs.


In Indonesia, forest fire management based community where people are important elements in a full involvement in both decision making and managing the natural wealth in tackling forest fires are still relatively rare and is new. Therefore, there is need ideas or decisions of the institution or institutions and to arouse the people.


In a situation such as above the need of the steps from the concrete institutions or institutions for the start and lead in accordance with the principles of community-based management. In the end the community is expected that an important component, and both actively involved in the decision-making, management in the framework of prevention, response and the repair or rehabilitation.
The efforts made by the Government of West Kutai District Office, especially forestry, among others; basic training of forest fire management, fire workshop shift forest village level, facilitating the establishment of forest fire fighting team in the 40 villages where each team has 15 people, shift the role of fire in each forest village this also be directed not only to prevent or extinguish the fire but in a wider sense is how in a among the residents of the village or between villages together to maintain both natural resources belonging to private, other people and property with high awareness and voluntary.
Awareness and public awareness are higher, especially in villages that have been trained and carried out technical, where they are involved and put out the fire reported that occurrence when a fire occurred in the village.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to anticipate impacts from this system, namely, among others:

- The diversity of capacities and interests of the village community involved in decision making and involved in full could cause so that the impact of the role of coordinating institution or institutions are still very necessary.

- The process of shared learning between the community and relevant agencies will increase awareness and capability to manage natural resources more wisely and continuous increase the level of life in general, and manage forest fires in particular.

- In the future, with increased performance and capacity of the village community can be the main force in the management of forest fires. The Role of Institutions or more as a stimulant, control and supervision.


In an effort to control forest fire management is needed with a clear framework. In West Kutai District in particular with a variety of obstacles found, then a solution should be sought near the area but the steps or solutions need to be fixed and related to a framework in the management of the forest fires so that all parties involved remain system in a clear and coordinated.

Management of community-based (Community Based Fire Management) in the hope that the community fully involved, both in making decisions on the management of natural resources more wisely both in general, and in the prevention and the dangers of forest fires in particular.

The Increase awareness that what they do is to maintain the continuity of assets that can improve life level society itself is an important first step.

With full community involvement is very limited, the limited expected that faced by the Regional District can be overcome. The hope is that the end of the preservation of the forest in harmony with the culture or customs of the local manage natural, met with the good cooperation between government, communities and stakeholders so that the other districts continue.

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